
“He has taken the guesswork out of humanity’s search”

“Brett Chitty is one of those rare people who has not only found what the world is searching for but can teach it in its simplicity. He has taken the guesswork out of humanity’s search and replaced it with logic and wisdom. I recommend that anybody give his work their listening and respect. It exemplifies truth.”

Keith Blevens, Ph.D.

Co-Founder of ThreePrinciplesPsychology.com, USA.

“Brett flies under most people’s radar precisely because he allows you to have your own insights”

“Brett offers a way to deeply explore the Three Principles from many different perspectives, not through the beliefs of others but through your development and understanding. If you bring an attentive ear, I suspect you’ll have a great chance at seeing this for yourself. Brett flies under most people’s radar precisely because he allows you to have your own insights. But for all the lack of hype and epic statements, Brett’s remarkable exploration will be very valuable indeed.”

Henk Kok

Technical 3D Artist, Netherlands.

“My mind was quiet before and now I appreciate the reason why”

“There is a definite place in the 3P world for Brett’s pictorial demonstrations of this metaphorical material. His explanations about the Principle of Thought make thoughts and thinking straightforward to understand, which is an almost impossible task. As a long-time student of the 3Ps, I found his explicit explanations to be a new and original angle.
My mind was quiet before, and now I appreciate the reason why. Years ago, after coming home from a meditation retreat, I wanted to extend the quiet I felt but could not. Thanks to the 3 Principles and Brett, I live in that quiet today.”

Sarah Feifel


“He points to the simplicity”

“Brett manages to take what initially seem to be complicated ideas and make them very logical and clear! Without judgment, despite his brilliant and intelligent mind, he points to the simplicity of the fundamental and life-changing ideas that he is alluding to.”

Rosella Grunbaum

United Kingdom.

“This guy has x-ray vision!”

“When I first heard Brett speaking about the 3 Principles, I said to a colleague “this man has x-ray vision!” His depth of understanding and the clarity with which he shares it, in his own insightful, novel and unique ways, offers guidance and direction for anyone seeking to explore the hidden logic of the Principles for themselves. It is a most remarkable, enjoyable journey!”

Basya (Barbara) Friedman

Licensed Psychologist, USA.

“helping one find their own wellspring of knowledge”

“Brett is a great teacher and guide, guiding his students towards their own wisdom. His thought provoking diagrams and pictures go a long way to helping one find their own wellspring of knowledge. He has a way to explain the formless dimension of life as something very available and accessible. It may seem like he keeps away from all the “shiny objects” but when you really listen to him closely you can find he is offering something much much better.”

M. P.